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Country Information

Capital: Lima

Language: Spanish, Quechua, Aymara

Population: 25.662.000 (Urbana 72.% / Rural 27.7%)

Geography: Covering 1.285.215 Km2, the country is divided into three regions: Coast (Zone along the Pacific Ocean with desert areas, beaches and valleys), Highlands (Mountainous Zone dominated by the Andes Mountains. The summit of Mt Huascarán reaches 6,768 meters) and Jungle (Zone of tropical vegetation in the Amazon basin).

Climate: Peru has a diversity of climates in its three regions: Coast (possesses arid and dry characteristics, with high humidity, 300 C y 120 C) Highland (the highlands of Peru have two, well-marked climatic seasons: summer, between April and October, characterized by sunny days, very cold nights and an absence of rain, and a rainy season, between November and March, with abundant precipitations, temperatures which oscillate between 240 C y -30 C) Jungle (The Peruvian jungle can be divided into two types of climate: The jungle highlands (above 700 meters) which possess a warm, subtropical climate, with abundant rainfall (approximately 3.000 mm annually) between November and March and sunny days between April and October; and the jungle lowlands (below 700 meters), which has a summer season between the months of April and October and is an excellent time for tourism, with sunny days and high temperatures, frequently above 350 C


Currency: Nuevo Sol

Change Type: 1 USD = 3.15 soles


Institutional Characteristics


Number of MFIs


Total Assets


Sample size of group.


Total assets, adjusted for inflation and standardized loan portfolio provisioning and write-offs.





Financial Estructure


Capital / Assets Ratio


Commercial Funding


Debt / Equity Ratio


Gross Loan Portfolio / Total Assets


Total Equity, adjusted/ Total Assets, adjusted.

All liabilities with “market” price/ Average Gross Loan Portfolio

Total liabilities, adjusted/ Total Equity, adjusted.

Gross Loan Portfolio, adjusted/ Total Assets, adjusted










Scale and Outreach


Number of Active Borrowers


% of Women Borrowers


Number of outstanding loans



Gross Loan Portfolio


Number of Borrowers with loans outstanding, adjusted for standardized write-offs.


Number of active women borrowers/ Number of Active Borrowers adjusted.


Number of outstanding loans, adjusted for standardized write-offs.


Gross Loan Portfolio, adjusted for standardized write-offss.












Macroeconomic Indicators


GNP per capita

GDP Growth Rate


Deposit Rate  


Inflation Rate


Financial Penetration


US $


Annual Average






M3 / GIP











Profitability and Sustainability


Adjusted Return on Assets



Adjusted Return on Equito



Operational Self-Sufficiency



Financial Self-Sufficiency


Net Operating Income, adjusted and net of taxes/ Average Total Assets adjusted.


Net Operating Income, adjusted and net of taxes/ Average Total Equity adjusted.


Financial Revenue/ (Financial Expense + Net Loan Loss Provision Expense + Operating Expense).

Financial Revenue, adjusted/ (Financial Expense + Net Loan Loss Provision Expense + Operating Expense), adjusted.












* The data used in this section forms parts of a study by the MIX Society, Latin America, regarding the state of micro finances in the Latin America and the Caribbean region, as of December, 2006.  The information is part of a statistical sample of all the microfinance institutions in Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador.

Information taken from:  “Latin America and the Caribbean”, Microfinance Information eXchange (MIX), in Regional Benchmarks, MIX Latin America, December, 2006, Lima, Peru.  Available in:

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